Saturday, September 28, 2019
10:00AM – 10:50AM | Breakout Session #1
Cirian Villavicencio
"The Underrepresentation of AAPIs in Higher Education Administration and How to Fix It"
Dr. Marie Lorraine Mallare-Jimenez, J.D., LL.M, S.J.D.
"Asian Americans & Globalization: Oral History Projects"
Nicollette Morales , Napa Valley Education Foundation
Ricardo Iglesias III, Fighting Back Partnership Vallejo
"Silent Sacrifices Revisited: A Look Into Filipinx Mental Health in Napa and Solano Counties"
Dr. Ramon Cusi
Building Leadership Capacity in the Filipino American Educators"
Reuben Deleon, Lauren Higa, Angel Trazo, and Wayne Jopanda
"Formative Experiences for Filipinxs in Higher Education"
1:10PM – 2:00PM | Breakout Session #2
Dr. Dina Maramba and Dr. Judy Patacsil
Roundtable: "A Retrospect & Revisit of Silent Sacrifices: Voices of the Filipino American Family"
Ivy Daulo & Dr. Marie Lorraine Mallare-Jimenez, J.D., LL.M, S.J.D.
Language Panel: "Filipino Language Movement in California"
"Filipino Language: Prospects of the Future"
Hillary Peregrina and Roderick Penalosa
"Malasakit: The Unexamined Emotional Care Work of Pin@y Educators Promoting Mental Health Among Pin@y Adolescent Students"
"The Significance of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion on the Well-Being of Filipino-American Young Adults"
Lakas Mentorship Program 2019 Staff
"Lakas Mentorshop Program: Implementing a Community-Based Leadership Development Model in Suburban Los Angeles"
Sarah Day Dayon
"Navigating Our Intersectional Identities and Perspectives as Filipinx American Educators"
3:20PM – 4:10PM | Breakout Session #3
My Sister's House and Nilda Valmores
"Teaching Filipino Youth About Healthy Relationships"
Dr. Lily Ann Villaraza, Dr. Raju Singh,
Dr. Rod Penalosa, and Maica Porcadas
"Classroom Frameworks of Empowerment focused on Mental Health"
Terry Teresita Bautista
"100 Years of Filipinos in US History, Know History Know Self"
Cory Reano
"Clinical and Educational Implications of Research on Filipinx Americans Sense of Self and Belonging"
DJ Kuttin Kandi and Dr. Amanda Solomon Amorao
"Teaching and Exploring Pin[a/x]yist Pathways to Liberation
4:20PM – 5:10PM | Breakout Session #4
Celin Corpuz & BRIDGE Pilipinx Outreach and Retention
"More Than Just Jollibee and Lumpia: Representation of Filipinx Foods in Communities, Cuisine Industries, and Ethnic Enclaves"
Kevin Casasola
"Remain Ahead of the Curve: Innovating Tech in the Classroom"
Joseph Ruanto-Ramirez
"We're Not Dance Suites!": Addressing Katutubo/American Identities & Issues Outside of Folk Dances & 'Decolonized' Filipinx Spaces"
Liza Erpelo
"Into, Through, and Beyond: Promoting Filipin@ Student Success with the Kababayan Learning Community at Skyline College"
Kababayan SFUSD
Addressing Mental Health Needs of Filipinx Youth and Their Families in schools"